Saturday, May 19, 2012

A girl, a Castle, and Abs

            Yesterday we took a trip north of Madrid to Segovia.  It has to be the most beautiful place I have ever seen.  (I will probably be saying this often.)  As we drove towards the city, the first thing I saw was a medieval castle adorning the skyline.   I knew that I was going to like this trip.  The entrance of Segovia is a gigantic wall of stone aqueducts that you pass through, a recognizable symbol of the city.  We walked through the city, with the little shops, central plaza, and cathedral. When we walked inside of it to take a peek, we had stumbled in on their mass.  Of course the Americans wander in with our shorts and tennis shoes, cameras ready at hand, and Pablo’s booming voice echoing through the rafters.  Well that was awkward.  Continuing on, we made our way to the goal I had in mind: the castle of Alcazar.  If anyone has not learned this by now I have a thing for princess-related things, and royal architecture is high on the list. 

The medieval castle still had most decorative items amazingly intact, from the tapestries, to the embellished ceilings, to the murals.  We walked through the courtyard, and I could only imagine what it would be like to have actually lived in this castle so long ago.  “Oh, yes, let me look out my window overlooking my kingdom.  I believe I will take a stroll through the courtyard. “ However, this was medieval times so it probably would be more like “It’s cold and dark and I can’t breathe in this dress and excuse me as someone paints a picture of me looking solemn…”  We then had the option to go up to one of the towers for a better view, which I obviously obliged to, for when one extends to you an invitation to ascend a medieval tower, you simply do not say no.  Common knowledge.  It did not take climbing the tower, though, to have amazing views.  As great as they were in Toledo, Segovia put them to shame. Somehow, everywhere you went you were looking out over the beautiful architecture, plaza, our rolling green hills, all with mountains in the distance.  This could be para-, para-, paradise. 

We walked past a group of kids our age sitting outside of their car, looking all cool, doors open, blasting music.  What music?  Grease.  As in, the musical.  You could tell they felt awesome when we all started singing along with “Summer Lovin.” Oh yeah. The coolest.  For lunch, we went to the famous restaurant “Candido.”  Do not worry.  There were no unexpected incidents this time.  Located next to the aqueducts’ at the entrance of the city, we looked out through the stain glass shutters to the square below, with a vintage merry go round, feeling very classy as they poured my “Coca Cola Light” into a wine glass.  Cuando en España

When we left, there was still one more stop before we made it home.  To my delight, it was a palace.  Castle and a palace in the same day?   Sure, I will take that.  The property was amazing, with rose gardens, fountains, statues, and the sight of snow-capped mountains in the distance.  We went down the tree-shaded paths to explore the property.  Remember, now, we were with Pablo so he was not going to leave one rock or obscure shrub unexplained. 

That night, we went out as a group.  It proved to be quite entertaining, so here are some “that’s just Karli” moments to leave you with.  One group of Spaniards dubbed me “Barbie” and that gained popularity.  The men here are very… romantic and try to woo the American girls with their calls of “Te amo!”  Um, adios chicos.  I was fortunate enough to have my friend pretend to be my novio, when necessary.  Even though he is not even attracted to, well, chicas.  I must say, we put on quite the convincing act walking arm in arm in the streets of Spain, with our sweet sweet words of amor.  Cannn you feeeel the love tonight…
At the restaurant we were at, the waiter came over and told me I was driving him “loco”.  I chalked it up to laughable as the group continued talking.   He came over once again, and I consented to giving him a kiss on the cheek, to which he pretended to faint.  Smooth, hombre, so smooth.  Before I left, he came up to me and lifted up his shirt to reveal his (actually quite nice) abdominals, telling me he thought I should see them. "You have your body," he said, "I have mine." Well.  Gracias?  The group left in riotous laughter. I feel like in the US that is basis for being fired, but I have a feeling I’m not in Georgia anymore.  

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