Sunday, May 13, 2012

Expect the Unexpected

What a wonderful feeling it is to wake up in the morning and be in Spain.  The whole group met and did some quick sight seeing.  We passed the Plaza del Sol, Plaza Mayor, y Palacio Real.  The plazas are central hubs surrounded by stores and restaurants, and we will be touring the inside of el Palacio next week, so more to come on that! I must say I have become a master at the “walk and snap” (taking a picture of something mid walk.)  I picture myself like Elle Woods: “waaaaalk… and snap!”  It was brutally hot, but so cool to walk past such amazing old architecture.  Strolling past a building I thought for sure to be a royal castle, I look at the sign: “Biblioteca.” Library.  Everything is just so much more beautiful. 
 We finally stopped to eat at Botín, the oldest restaurant in the world!  I remember seeing it on Food Network, so I knew it had to be good.  After being seated I easily downed a glass of water, followed immediately by another.  I guess I should have bought a water bottle from the tourist-targeting street vendor.  All that walking (and I mean a ton of walking) built up quite an appetite in all of us.  We were filling up on las entradas before realizing we still had the actual main course ahead of us.  Then, the unexpected happened. 
Here we are, sitting in this beautiful historical restaurant, when a poor gentleman in the group started looking… ill.  Seated right in the middle, he tried to get out as quickly as he could but did not make it.  He tossed his “galletas” right in the middle of the restaurant.  Needless to say, none of us exactly had an appetite after that.  Like a champ, he made it back and sat down, despite encouragement to go home for a little siesta.  Everything was fine until the unexpected once again took place.  This time, though, it was all over the girl sitting next to him.  I have no idea how she handled it so calmly.  Lucky me was sitting at the end of the table, where I saw the whole thing.  The whole darn thing. So, at this point, we are already the conspicuous American group in this old, very nice (very expensive) restaurant, and we have had someone get sick not once, but twice.  I think an impression was certainly made.
When the main course was brought to the table, no one touched it, partly because of the incident(s), and partly because it was a number of baby pigs.   “It’s…smiling at me.”  (Christmas Story, anyone?)  Our hunger was rekindled, however, when the chocolate ice cream found its way to the table.  There is always room for helado.
After the restaurant ordeal the next goal was to find Real Madrid jerseys for the game.  I had to look like the true fan that I was. This did not take very long, considering they were sold in about every other store.  The game itself was insane.  I was completely unprepared for the sheer magnitude of the stadium as it opened up before my eyes.  This was like Sanford on steroids.  We walked up and up and up and up to our seats.  I thought I might get a nosebleed from the change in altitude, but luckily I contributed no further shenanigans to the day.  The fans chanted the entire time, and when Madrid scored a GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, the whole place blew up in excitement.   Although I don’t know the first thing about fútbol, it is easy to get swept away in it.  I learned, though, from talking to other aficionados that this game was amazingly calm.  What?  Men are dancing with their shirts off!  Apparently there is usually some sort of fight, explosion, or police intervention (or all of the above)… so I guess I’ll take the dancing men.  What was even more of a production was the celebration ceremony that took place afterwards.  There was a light show, opera singer, introduction of each individual player, confetti, singing, the revelation of a large balloon to represent their 32nd championship victory, the entire stadium singing “We are the Champions,” (yes, by Queen; and yes, in English) and each player gave their own little speech.  Mind you, this was a three-hour game, along with nearly an hour of the celebratory ceremony.  These people take pride in their team, that is for sure, and I have to appreciate the spirit.  Vaya Madrid!!   

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