Friday, January 25, 2013

Be Here Now

It certainly has been a while since writing.  Over a whole semester’s worth of activities have passed and I have not been able to put my sarcastic and flowery spin on it.  This year school has seemed to consume my time more than usual, which, for anyone who knows me, is saying a lot.  Oh, gone are the days of when a “paper” meant three paragraphs on what you did over [insert season] break.  Now are the days of writing an eight page researcher’s profile on my personal paradigms and theories on interpersonal communication.  At school, we do not have any time to slow down—no time to even realize we are tired.  Go, go, go is the mentality.  At home, it all catches up to you and you find yourself rolling out of bed at 1:00 in the afternoon. The rest of the holidays having been equal part eating, equal part burning it off, I found myself with time (yes actual true time) to think about things. 
This just shows a grave problem that I do not believe I face alone.  I have not been slowing down long enough to really “be” in these moments.  Sure, I am busy.  We all get busy.  But at what price?  Sometimes it takes stepping back for a minute and allow ourselves to see the picture as a whole.  I know I am certainly guilty of taking a quick mental picture, only to get lost in the memory card which is our minds, revisited briefly, and eventually erased to make room for other, more current activities.  My resolution (one month late) is to try and do a better job of appreciating all the little things, as cliché as it may sound.   My favorite acting teacher once told me, that in life we have to remember 3 simple words: “Be here now.”  Sounds easy enough, but not always the case for someone like me, who tends to think 10 steps ahead.  Be here. Now. That’s what I intend to do. 

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